Development «Stadtstück Schlieren», Building Plot A2

Schlieren-West is being transformed from a commercial area into suburbia. Today used cars stand waiting for a purchaser, where half-a-century ago industry trailed off into the open fields and piles of boards were stored along the railway line, stacked up to an impressive height. It was this image that inspired the whole design, from the urban planning to the construction.

Today it is the railway that largely dominates public perception of the site. The strict rows of variously laden freight wagons on the nearby shunting yards act as a stimulation to arrange the buildings similarly.

The articulated antithesis of density and distance are absent from the suburban context of Schlieren. In comparison, the new planning pursues a strategy of contrasts: high buildings alternate with low halls, narrow alleys with wide squares, inward glimpses with outward views.

Because recent local history shows the force of the dynamics that urban development can unleash, the strategy followed in this case is equally both open and robust. The neutral structure of the base of the building enables both residency and working. The residential towers emerge from this mineral base, conceived as entirely wooden structures, their materiality coming full circle back to the design’s point of departure  the piles of boards on the railway line.


Project type: Study commission, 2014
Address: Badenerstrasse 90, Schlieren
Program: 190 apartments, commercial
Client: Pensimo Management AG
Contributors: Micha Weber, Jonas Blum, Arturo Roth
Civil engineering: Hermann Blumer Dipl. Ing. ETH / SIA, Waldstatt
Acoustics: Bakus Bauphysik & Akustik GmbH, Zurich
Model images: Manuel Rickenbacher, Zurich

Gewerbe-Sockel und Wohntürme Gewerbe-Sockel und Wohntürme
Commercial base-level and residential towers
Wo früher Schaltafeln aufgetürmt waren, stehen morgen hölzerne Wohntürme Wo früher Schaltafeln aufgetürmt waren, stehen morgen hölzerne Wohntürme
Where once planks were stacked high, tomorrow there will be wooden residential towers
Wo früher Schaltafeln aufgetürmt waren, stehen morgen hölzerne Wohntürme
Rangierbahnhof Limmattal
Wie beladene Güterwagen: Gewerbesockel mit Wohntürmen Wie beladene Güterwagen: Gewerbesockel mit Wohntürmen
Like loaded freight wagons: commercial base-level with residential towers
Eingangsgeschoss mit Ateliers und Läden Eingangsgeschoss mit Ateliers und Läden
Entrance level with studios and shops
Schwarzplan Schwarzplan
Figure ground
Barceloneta: Zwei Strassenseiten für jede Häuserzeile
Wachstumsszenarien für Downtown Schlieren Wachstumsszenarien für Downtown Schlieren
Growth scenarios for downtown Schlieren
Grundriss Wohntürme Grundriss Wohntürme
Residential tower floor plan
Typengrundrisse Wohnungen Typengrundrisse Wohnungen
Apartment type plans
Ruderalvegetation im Netz der Schienen
Längsraum, längs geteilt: Streifen unterschiedlicher Vegetation in der Wagonfabrik Schlieren